Friday, June 20, 2008

Thought you all might get a kick outa this...

Dunno why. :D

Speaking of why, why can't Helen Keller drive?
In other news Embroidory is owning me.
And Michelle, I really enjoyed your last story, though I don't think I'll ever look at my lawn the same, keep it up. :D

One anouther note, I'll be gone till the 25th, so all of you crazy kids have fun at Jew's Birthday for me, alright? I'll try to call.
And Jew, Happy b-day! Rember, you're a great artist and an all around awsome person. :D
Peace out.
PS Hey Sara, get to work on Cloud so you can start Link!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm up-dating?

Sorta, just throwing in random stuff from the internet.
"Man, on the internet, age has no meaning. One person in their thirties could have the utmost respect to some kid in high school. It's like we're in a classless-- OH. MY. GOD. THE INTERNET IS COMMUNISM???"

so...does that make us all Communists?


I pulled this out of a Conversation I had with Michelle on MSN

"I was deeply thinking about the line between adult hood and childhood was, and how they criss cross all the time. That and how the perfect child acts very adult and many ideal adults are in truth very childish. I was thinking about it because I was thinking about my very existence is an irony to me. So many people that don’t even half know me say I'm young women, or grown up like or such, when really I’m very childish, not always in the best ways either
how do you grow up without losing your ability to enjoy small things that only kids seem to be able to?"

Then there was this,
Sara says:"
oh and Byakuya got a 10/10 on 4chan's scale
Grace says:
well duh. He's asian, angst/emo and OP
what a good chunk of the fan girls go for!"

Well... that's abotu all that's interesting for now.